5 Reasons Why a Personalised Bracelet Is The Best Gift You Can Give!

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Call us biased, but we think a personalised bracelet is one of the best gifts you could ever give someone. In a time of fast fashion and throwaway culture, giving someone a gift that they will cherish for a lifetime can be tricky. Our lives move at such a fast pace and keeping our precious moments with us is so important. A personalised bracelet is a sentimental gift that that will always remind the wearer of a special person, place or moment in their lives. Here are 5 reasons why we think they make the most amazing gifts!

1.       Personalised bracelets make great vegan letter-box gifts.

Sending someone a totally unique personalised bracelet straight to their door will light up their day! Imagine popping down to pick up the same old bills, bank statements and junk mail and instead finding the postman has popped a beautiful, thoughtful, one of a kind customised bracelet through your letterbox!! Each of our custom bracelets is packaged in a Royal Mail large letter box, so it will go straight through their door without you having to ever let them know their gift is on the way. It truly is the perfect letterbox gift!

2.       They will treasure their personalised bracelet forever

No matter which bracelet you choose, they will cherish it forever. The coordinates of the place you first met, their grandma’s actual handwriting engraved forever, the fingerprint of a lost love one or a reminder of an extra special date – keeping those memories and moments close is something they will want to keep forever and ever.

3.       You can make your bracelet even more personal with an engraved message on the back.

Each of our selection of engraved personalised bracelets can be made even more special  by including a custom message on the back. Add an extra message and take your bracelet game to the next level!

4.       Personalised bracelets are a truly unique, one of a kind gift.

All personalised bracelets are nice, but our bracelets are truly one of a kind. This is because of the amazing material we use – the tagua seed. Known as vegetable ivory, it grows on palms in Ecuador before falling like coconuts, being dried and sent to us to make our beautiful personalised bracelets right here in the UK. Each slice is totally unique, meaning your bracelet will be just as unique as the wearer!

5.       No matter what their style, you will be able to find a bracelet that will suit them.

With so many options of unique personalised bracelet to choose from, there is no doubt you will find something that suits every person you know! Did you know with our bracelets you can choose the band colour (or even a choice of two colours) so you can be sure their bracelet truly reflects their style.

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Our favourite personalised bracelets-

Custom Coordinate bracelet – the  perfect gift for just about anyone! This personaliased bracelet is great for the free spirited traveller who wants to wear their sense of adventure on their sleeve, but also makes the perfect cotton anniversary for a second wedding anniversary. It’s so versatile!

A Personalised Morse Code Bracelet – Perfect for those secretive types in your life. Share a secret message that no one will know except you are the person wearing it. An excellent best friend bracelet, this choice can also be further personalised by choosing the bead colours. Win win!

 An Engraved Handwriting Bracelet – This personalised bracelet is the one for the sentimental softy in your life. Take a photo of a piece of handwriting, send it to us and we will engrave it on one of our ethical, durable bracelets so they can always carry their memories with them.

A Personalised Wave Bracelet – Buying a gift for a surfer, diver, stand up paddle boarder, sailor or just someone who loves the sea? We have perfect personalised bracelet for him! Our black wave bracelet can be personalised with a short message on the back, make it truly unique. And because it is waterproof and durable they won’t have to take it off of their ocean adventures!

An engraved fingerprint bracelet – Our actual fingerprint bracelets are the only bracelets in the world that look like the person has just touched the plaque! Rather than metal, our fingerprint bracelets are made from a living material, our amazing tagua seed. This means that they feel don’t feel cold and hard like their metal alternatives.

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Things to think about:

 Things to consider when buying a personalised bracelet for men –

-    Wrist size – all of our bracelets are adjustable but if they have particularly large hands let us know and we will make them a little bigger!

-     Colour – choose something he will want to wear all the time.   

 Things to consider when buying a personalised bracelet for her –

-    Wrist size (again!) – if they have very dainty wrists or larger wrists, we can adjust the size for you. Just let us know!

-    Their style – Are they all about the classic look? Love to be bright and colouful? Think carefully about your colour choices. This will earn you extra brownie points!

-    What do they do? – If they have a job that means that they take bracelets off and on, maybe consider a personalised necklace instead!

Things to consider when buying personalised bracelets for couples –

-   Sending your bracelets as a gift? Consider getting them boxed up and adding a special gift note.

-   Choose a bracelet that is just as meaningful for both parties. Maybe the coordinates of the place they got married, a special date in both of their lives or an initial bracelet with both of their initials combined!

Dos and Don’ts of buying personalised jewellery

DO think carefully about their style and what THEY would like to wear all the time. It is very easy to pick out a gorgeous custom bracelet that YOU like, but reflect on their style and choose something they will love

DON’T buy something wildly out of their budget. That can get a little awkward. Thoughtful gifts don’t have to cost the earth.

DO think about what kind of personalised bracelet reflects their personality best – a sentimental soul, a travel fanatic, a newly married bestie – there is a bracelet to suit them all!

DON’T be fooled by cheaply made, mass produced items. Look for handmade, truly unique personalised jewellery. So many people pay through the nose only to received poorly made pieces that look nothing like the picture they first saw. Read the reviews before you buy.

DO shop small. There are so many amazing small businesses that produce custom jewellery, personalised bracelets and one of a kind necklaces. Support small brands who appreciate truly appreciate your purchase.


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